Découvrez les dernières interventions et mentions du programme PAUSE dans les médias pour en savoir plus sur nos actions, projets et événements.
Rallying to defend science and Academic Freedom: Let's act together on March 7th!
On March 7th, scientists worldwide are calling for mobilization in response to the increasingly alarming situation in the United States. It should mark the beginning of a broader, sustained, and global mobilization. It is our duty to ensure that the freedom to create, think, innovate, and transmit knowledge is guaranteed everywhere, for everyone.
Launch of the matchmaking phase of the SAFE project
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused a major geopolitical and human upheaval. For the PAUSE programme, the war in Ukraine marked a change in scale: in 2022 alone, it supported as many people as in the previous 4 years combined.
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PAUSE in the medias in 2025
Discover the media coverage on the PAUSE programme for 2024.
The PAUSE programme celebrates its 8th anniversary
Since 2017, 680 scientists and artists forced into exile have been supported by PAUSE.
Rethinking the Hosting of Academic and Artistic Refugees: Lessons from the Second Franco-Brazilian Seminar
A look back at the second edition of the Franco-Brazilian seminar on welcoming academic and artistic refugees, with a special focus on the session held at the Collège de France.
Launch of the matchmaking phase of the SAFE project
The PAUSE programme is pleased to announce the opening of the « matchmaking » phase of the SAFE project « Supporting At-risk researchers with Fellowships in Europe », launched on September 2024.
Save the date | 2025 InSPIREurope+ Stakeholder Forum
The next annual Inspireurope+ Stakeholder Forum will take place on 7 May 2025 in Paris, at the Collège de France.
The PAUSE programme is hiring !
The PAUSE programme is hiring his or her future Finance and Fundraising Officer
Launch of the Supporting At-risk researchers with Fellowships in Europe (SAFE) project
The PAUSE programme is pleased to announce its participation to the Supporting At-risk researchers with Fellowships in Europe (SAFE) consortium, a European project to support scientists at risk.