Where to submit an application?

| To read before submitting an application |

Applications must be completed and submitted online by host institutions on the dedicated platform. The application must be submitted in the form corresponding to the status of the applicant (First application or Renewal; scientist, doctoral student or artist). All required fields must be carefully filled in and must not refer to an attachment.

Any incomplete application will be considered ineligible and will thus not be submitted for evaluation. It is in the interest of the candidates that the host institution accurately fills in the application form in order to allow an exhaustive analysis of the application.

If you have any inquiries or face difficulties when creating an application, do not hesitate to reach out to the PAUSE team.

The submission of supporting documents does not exempt the completion of required fields.

NB / Any application for a renewal of co-financing will be admissible only if all the administrative elements related to the first contract (or 2nd in the case of doctoral students) have been sent to the executive management of the PAUSE programme.

Documents to download

Where to submit an application?

An emergency procedure can be invoked in exceptional circumstances if the applicant's lige or freedom is in immediate danger. The application will then be evaluated separately from the annual calls for applications. If you want to use this procedure, please contact the PAUSE team.

Next call for applications for the institutions:

Call for applications: During March 2025
Deadline for applications: April 3, 2025